Rockbjörnen 2018
Rockbjörnen is a music prize in Sweden, divided into several categories, which is awarded annually by the newspaper Aftonbladet (wikipedia). You can vote once a day until July 8!
To vote, see link below:
You can nominate Jamie in these categories:
Årets manliga artist (the year´s male artist) For example: Jamie Meyer
Årets svenska låt (the Swedish song of the year) For exemple: Nothin on You
Årets konsert (the year´s concert/gig) For example: Lindboms Akterdäck
Årets bästa fans (the best fans of the year) For example: Jamie Meyer Mafia
Nästa (Go to next page). Fill in the questions below:
E-post adress (email address)
Födelseår (year of birth)
Kontrollfråga (control question)
Here you can choose to put a cross in the box:
Ja, jag tar gärna emot information och erbjudanden från Aftonbladet (Yes, I would like to receive information and offers from Aftonbladet)
Ja tack, gör det enklare för mig nästa gång jag går in och nominerar genom att spara mina uppgifter (Yes, make it easier next time I nominate by saving my data).
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